Indicator Reporting Tool
The burden of global, regional and project reporting has been a longstanding concern of Pacific Island Countries (PICs). PICs experience a high workload when trying to meet these reporting obligations like Multilateral Environment Agreement (MEA) Reporting and State of the Environment Reports, to name just a few. The complexity, duplication and sheer volume of reporting is overwhelming for small administrations.
In an effort to reduce the workload on PICs to meet these reporting obligations, the Indicator Reporting Tool aims to simplify reporting processes and reduce reporting burden by facilitating re-use of indicator definitions across multiple reporting obligations. Many inidicators are common across multiple MEA(s). To avoid duplication, the tool lets you write up and manage an Indicator State only once and reuse it for multiple reporting rquirements. For each reporting obligation and indicator state, a report can be generated from the tool.
The tool is targeted towards government officials responsible for compiling and producing indicator based reports.

Reporting Obligation
A reporting obligation might be a national report, the State of Environment Report or a Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA). These are requirements to provide information agreed between countries and international bodies or international conventions. Reporting obligations provide the basis for most environmental information flows. They can have a national, regional or international scope. Example: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS), State of the Environment Report (SOE) etc.
Reporting Obligation Target
A target that needs to be reported against as part of a reporting obligation. For example : "SDG 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all”.
An indicator tells us what is happening to the environment. Since the environment is complex, indicators provide a practical way to track the state of the environment. Example; greenhouse gas emissions, live coral cover, forest cover etc.
Indicator Definition
Indicator definitions are "how to measure" indicators. It refers to a specific description of how an indicator is defined, the methodology to measure it, the unit of measurements etc. A well defined indicator should allow for comparable measurements to be collected over time to identify trends. The Indicator Reporting Tool is populated with a collection of pre-defined indicator definitions.

Indicator State
An indicator state details the state of the environment in relation to a pre-defined indicator definition. An indicator state records the measurements and trends at a given point in time and it describes the status justified by data available.

The Indicator Reporting Tool (IRT) has 5 main functions.
- Indicator Definitions
- Manage Reporting Obligations and Indicator Definitions
- Update Indicator State
- Produce Report
- Produce Indicator State Sheet
Indicator Definitions
This function allows you to browse existing indicator definitions and choose which to use. You can also create new indicator definitions and update indicator definitions created by your own group.
Manage Reporting Obligations and Indicator Definitions
This function allows you to add new reporting obligations, like a quarterly ministerial report or a report to an MEA, modify an existing obligation including the targets within the obligation, such as the Aichi targets under CBD, and add or create new indicator definitions.
Update Indicator States
Using existing indicator definitions, this tool will allow you to create or update the actual condition of an indicator. For example, using the indicator definition for protected areas, it will allow you to report on the area and status for protected areas in the country.
Produce Report
Based on existing indicator states, this process will allow you to select an existing reporting obligation, verify the date the data is valid for and export the collection indicator states as an editable document.
Produce Indicator State Sheet
Based on existing indicator states, this process will allow you to select an existing indicator, verify the date the data is valid for and export the indicator state as an editable document.