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Define Indicators

Indicator Definitions

The Indicator Reporting tool is populated with a collection of pre-defined indicator definitions.

Clicking on Indicator Definitions will display a description of this function.

Confirm selection by clicking on the newly displayed Indicator Definitions

Dataset Overview

A list of defined indicators and their authors will be displayed in a table. The attribution will either be given to a country or to the SPREP group.

You can either choose to use or edit an existing indicator definition, or create a new indication definition altogether. Please note you can ONLY edit a definition that was defined by someone from your own country group. For instance, a user from Cook Islands can only modify the definition of an indicator that was previously defined from another user from Cook Islands. However, he /she can only view or use but cannot modify a definition that was originally created by someone from another group/country, Solomon Islands.

Creating Indicators

1. You can create a new Indicator with the Create Indicator Definition button

Dataset Overview

2. This would lead you to a page where you can clearly define an indicator by specifying the required information and optional information below

Indicator NameDefinitionDesired OutcomeMeasurement of CalculationUnit of Measurement
Name of indicator (e.g Terrestrial Protected Areas)How the indicator is defined (e.g. Percentage of land area formally protected for conservation. May include areas where traditional foods are sustainably harvested)Increase in protected areas or; all terrestrial ecosystems are adequately represented in the protected areas network or; ≥17% of land area is protected (Aichi target 11)measurement that identifies the presence or level the indicator is affecting the environment (e.g.(total protected area/total land area) *100ha or km²

3. After inputting the required and optional fields. You can finish creating the Indicator by clicking on the Save button.

Dataset Overview